Latest News

COVID-19 Update

We have been monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak and the impact it is having on our people, clients and community. We are committed to providing and maintaining a working environment which minimises risks to the health of all. Having regard to advice from the Australian Government and leading world health authorities, we have implemented a number…

World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development

It’s World Engineering Day for Sustainable Development. Today the FloodFree team celebrate global innovation, including our in-house crew of engineers and the sustainable flood mitigation solutions they development in partnership with our clients. FloodFree products are manufactured in Australia by AWMA who have developed a unique engineering skill set from over 20 years manufacturing experience…

Please stand clear of flood barriers

Please Stay Clear of Flood Barriers: Tilting Flood Barriers are custom designed to suit each application, including withstanding predicted traffic loads ie; pedestrian, light vehicular or heavy vehicular. However, should passive flood barriers be obstructed during deployment, they can not provide efficient flood protection. All FloodFree Barriers are installed with associated signage and possibly warning…

Passive Tilting Flood Barrier Manufacture

This 7m Tilting Flood Barrier will soon be on it’s way to protect a Sydney CBD building from flood and storm waters. Located in a commercial building a Passive Tilting Flood Barrier was required to ensure it operated autonomously, when needed, without any human intervention.

Seasons Greetings

The team at FloodFree extend our very best wishes to you and your family for a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and prosperous 2020. We would like to thank you for your continued support, and look forward to working with you again next year. Our office will be closed over the holiday period from Friday…

Newsletter out now

Our latest newsletter is out now, featuring a Retractable Flood Barrier protecting Christchurch NZ, Fish Screen Testing, Sewer Isolation, Nepean Tunnel Penstock and Award Winning Projects. Click to view or contact us to subscribe.