Commercial Flood Barriers For Karingal Hub

AWMA was engaged to supply two Passive Tilting Flood Barriers to protect entrances at the Karingal Hub Shopping Centre from flooding. The barriers are in the lowest level of a two-level basement car park, which is prone to water inundation.

One barrier (2700mm wide x 500mm high) protects the lift entrance, whilst a second barrier (6340mm wide x 500mm high) protects the escalator lobby and travellators.

Situated in areas of high foot-traffic, the flood barriers were custom designed to include features such as self-deployment and non-slip surface coatings.

The passive tilting flood barriers are designed to activate when overland floodwaters enter the carpark, deploying the barrier to protect the commercial shopping centre from water ingress.

All AWMA’s FloodFree barriers are tailor-made to suit site and operational requirements.

Optional extras include alarm systems, colours and surface finishes. The most efficient flood barriers are permanently installed on-site. Custom designed options allow flood barriers to integrate seamlessly into surrounding infrastructure and aesthetics.