Flood and Ponding Risk Management

Following the completion of a flood risk management report, a Sydney residential development was advised to mitigate risk from flooding and ponding issues.

The report aimed to increase public awareness of the hazard and extent of land affected by all potential floods, including floods greater than the 100 year average recurrence interval (ARI) flood and to ensure essential services and land uses are planned in recognition of all potential floods.

It resulted in the inclusion of automatic flood gates , integrated into the crest of the development's driveway to protect water entering the basement.

Prior to installation the Tilting Flood Barrier was scrutinized to demonstrate that it could withstand the forces of floodwater, debris and buoyancy up to and including a 100 year flood, plus freeboard.

Consequently, following the installation of an automatic FloodFree Tilting Flood Barrier, the site is no longer considered to be affected by the ponding regime of nearby waterway corridors.